Monday, September 8, 2008

B-E-A-UTIFUL Caribbean Island

My rhetorical analysis of Christopher Columbus’s letters dealt with his first voyage in which he discovered the New World. In this analysis, the first letter was described as having a positive tone and diction was used to support that. Columbus used words like beautiful and marvelous to describe the landscape of the Caribbean islands. This picture helps create the image of the beautiful landscape. Columbus was awed by this beauty which he fell upon. The picture shows how green the land was. This was important because in the analysis the word cultivation was highlighted. All of this unused land that the Columbus discovered turned out to be very valuable not only for the Spanish, but for the whole world. The beautiful flowers and trees can also be seen. If Columbus had a camera back then it would have been a lot easier for Luis de Sentinel to understand what Columbus was trying to say because he could see the landscape, but instead Columbus had to use imagery and diction to help Luis de Sentinel visualize the landscape. If this was what Columbus saw in the Caribbean it was no wonder that his letter had a positive tone ,unlike his other letters, because discovering such a beautiful and marvelous land would please anyone.

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